Saturday, November 28, 2009

Seeking Perfection - Mack's Trilogy

Seeking Perfection - Mack's Trilogy

We all think that what we do is the perfect way to do things. We all have flaws in the midst of

seeking perfection. Perfection being sought is a winless battle that we all face overwhelmingly

in the meantime of seeking. Do we continue to stop. No it is our greed. We will take it on

like buried treasure. We risk our lives, limbs, and liberty in order to find what will never be

found. The sooner that we decide we cant be perfect in everything we do that we find our

perfection. Our gifts that makes us unique. Our gifts that makes us original. Are you ready

to seek the gifts that you have all packaged up. Do we take off the tape and allow it to take

hold. Do we keep it closed and others can not find our gift. Relationships are still that buried

treasure. As we spend time to get to know. We look for the gifts and qualities that are perfect

in our eyes. Do those that we meet look for the same qualities we seek in them. Do you look

for your friends to have these key traits in order to get to know. Does your friends look for the

very same thing. You'll fine one thing in common that someone throughout time its not your

checklist that matters. Does that mean you are perfect or did you see the flaws and love it.

Oh yes another injection. You seek the perfect pussy or dick. It is the imperfect and flawed

that keeps you cumming. You still try to figure out why, and still seek perfection. Maybe you

should accept the fact that the mistake was yours in choosing. Does that make you good or

bad or does that make you a step closer in finding what you really want. Do you really know

what you want. How quickly has it changed over time. Does Mack have to preach. Does he?

You better opens your eyes young one. I guess their is a reason why we

believe in buried treasure. The x marks the spot on the map. Notice that most that

follow others in seeking perfection beyond their wildest dreams or imagination. Their lives are

forever taken and consume as myths and stories for those dreams. It is those that have the

gift that was chosen by powers of belief that already knew the few and not the many that

choose. The many are the reason why we still believe. The few are the reason that they

achieve. When you choose many it will only be a few to accept you. Beep, Beep, Beep, Doctor

Mack we are having a flat line. Emergency in Room 101. Boom Boom, Boom Boom, check the

temperature. I need ice nurse, says Mack. The temperature goes down. The nurse says she

stable. That was close, says Mack. We was right on time, says the nurse. Ok, well you watch

them. What do you mean them, responds the nurse. The many, says Mack as he puts the

chart back in the sleeve. They was in the woods for a while, I guess you can allow the few that

matter in for a quick visit. A tear is shed by Mack. The tear drop hits the floor. He see's the

images. "Flash." The game is about to begin....... THE CHESMASTER.... "Im sending in a

specialist as these cases get more complex, says Mack to the nurse... "No not who I think you

are talking about, says the nurse. Mack pauses.... Call the pharmacy we need to order some

new Pillz from Missouri to start prescribing, says Mack.... "How can we heal the sick, if we dont

start recognizing the symptoms. By the time we decide to check ourselves. Its a major illness

when it handled in the early stages than their could be a lot more we can do... So I'm sending

in the specialist, responds Mack... "How long before the medication arrives, says the nurse."

Mack continues to walk down the hall. He looks back at the nurse. "I guess we'll see!"
